Nowadays there is a big amount of biomedical literature which uses complex nouns and acronyms of biological entities thus complicating the task of retrieval specific information....
Aslam, Pavlu, and Savell [3] introduced the Hedge algorithm for metasearch which effectively combines the ranked lists of documents returned by multiple retrieval systems in resp...
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) participated in TREC 2007 Genomics Track. Our general goal of participation is to apply language modelbased approaches to the...
Relaxed Online Support Vector Machines (ROSVMs) have recently been proposed as an efficient methodology for attaining an approximate SVM solution for streaming data such as the on...
For the legal track we used the Wumpus search engine and investigated several methods that have proven successful in other domains, including cover density ranking and Okapi BM25 ...
York University evaluated a prepcessing approach for this year’s enterprise document search task. With different parsing tools, we create two data sets. Based on each data set,...