The University of Maryland Researchers participated in both the Arabic-English Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) and Video tracks of TREC-10. In the CLIR track, our goal...
Kareem Darwish, David S. Doermann, Ryan C. Jones, ...
This paper describes the retrieval experiments for the main task and list task of the TREC-10 questionanswering track. The question answering system described automatically finds ...
Jiangping Chen, Anne Diekema, Mary D. Taffet, Nanc...
Many users have acquired a sophisticated understanding of searching the Web in specific domains. For example, we often hear of users who can get amazing deals for electronic produ...
Our focus this year was to investigate methods for increasing query length in interactive information searching in the Web context, and to see if these methods led to changes in t...
Nicholas J. Belkin, Colleen Cool, J. Jeng, Amymari...
This paper describes new machine learning approaches to predict the correct homepage in response to a user's homepage finding query. This involves two phases. In the first ph...