As web-based online communities are rapidly growing, the agents in the communities need to know their measurable belief of trust for safe and successful interactions. In this pape...
Abstract—Trust is an important yet complex and little understood dyadic relation among actors in a social network. There are many dimensions to trust; trust plays an important ro...
Sibel Adali, Robert Escriva, Mark K. Goldberg, Myk...
Abstract: The globalized knowledge society generates virtual enterprises that are usually set up and managed on the web, and the new trend is to make the relevant technologies avai...
Reputation and trust are useful instruments in multi-agent systems to evaluate agent behaviour. Most of the works on trust and reputation adopt a quantitative representation of the...
Historically, various different notions of trust can be found, each addressing particular aspects of ICT systems, e.g. trust in electronic commerce systems based on reputation and...
Abstract. The open and dynamic nature of modern distributed systems and pervasive environments presents significant challenges to security management. One solution may be trust ma...
Public Key technology is about multiple parties across different domains making assertions that can be chained together to make trust judgments. Today, the need for more interoper...
Social network-based Sybil defenses exploit the trust exhibited in social graphs to detect Sybil nodes that disrupt an algorithmic property (i.e., the fast mixing) in these graphs...
hey generalize these factors to the abstract concepts of ability, integrity, and benevolence. This model does not use probabilistic decision theory. Other SCM trust factors have be...
Existing 2D e-commerce internet websites provide users with only relatively simple, browser-based interface to access available products and services. These websites often lack in...