The evolution of a design pattern typically involves the addition or removal of a group of modeling elements, such as classes, attributes, operations, and relationships. However, ...
The UML profile for Modeling and Analysis of Real Time and Embedded systems (MARTE) provides a powerful, standardised framework for the specification of non-functional propertie...
Achieving a quality software system requires UML designers a good understanding of both design patterns and antipatterns. Unfortunately, UML models for real systems tend to be huge...
Traditional access control models, such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), do not take into account contextual information, such as location and time, for making access decision...
We apply ASP to model validation in a CASE setting, where models are UML class diagrams and object diagrams are called “snapshots”. We present the design and implementation of ...
Mario Ornaghi, Camillo Fiorentini, Alberto Momigli...
MDD and MDA approaches require capturing the behavior of UML models in sufficient detail so that the models can be automatically implemented/executed in the production environment....