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This article presents a randomized linear-dispersion space-time block code for decode-andforward synchronous relays. The coding matrices are obtained as a set of columns (or rows)...
—In this paper, we consider the amplified-and-forward relaying in a multichannel system with linear processing capability at the relay. We propose an analytical approach to stud...
In this paper, we rst present a theorem that HOSVD-based representation of high-order tensor data provides a robust framework that can be used for a uni ed representation of the H...
One method for communicating with multiple antennas is to encode the transmitted data differentially using unitary matrices at the transmitter, and to decode differentially withou...
The constellation design for differential space-time modulation usually requires to construct L (constellation size) unitary matrices making the design complexity increasing rapidl...
—The differential encoding/decoding setup introduced by Kiran et al, Oggier-Hassibi and Jing-Jafarkhani for wireless relay networks that use codebooks consisting of unitary matri...
— The differential encoding/decoding setup introduced by Kiran et al, Oggier et al and Jing et al for wireless relay networks that use codebooks consisting of unitary matrices is...
We conjecture new sufficient conditions for a digraph to have a Hamilton cycle. In view of applications, the conjecture is of interest in the areas where unitary matrices are of i...
In a distributed space-time coding scheme, based on the relay channel model, the relay nodes co-operate to linearly process the transmitted signal from the source and forward them ...
The linear programming method is applied to the space Un(C) of unitary matrices in order to obtain bounds for codes relative to the diversity sum and the diversity product. Theore...