Mobile computers often benefit from software which adapts to their location. For example, a computer might be backed up when at the office, or the default printer might always be ...
In this paper, we document the evolution of a banner ad delivery system from a simple CGI script written in Perl running on a single host into a distributed computing application ...
It becomes increasingly important for both network researchers and operators to know the trend of network traffic and to find anomaly in their network traffic. This paper describe...
The goal of the Globe project is to design and build a middleware platform that facilitates the development of large-scale distributed applications, such as those found on the Int...
Arno Bakker, E. Amade, Gerco Ballintijn, Ihor Kuz,...
Language-basedextensible systems, such as Java Virtual Machines and SPIN, use type safety to provide memory safety in a single address space. By using software to provide safety, ...
Godmar Back, Patrick Tullmann, Leigh Stoller, Wils...
JEmacs is a re-implementation of the Emacs programmable text editor. It is written in Java, and uses the Swing GUI toolkit. Emacs is based on the extension language Emacs Lisp (El...
Optimally partitioning application and filesystem functionality within a cluster of clients and servers is a difficult problem due to dynamic variations in application behavior, r...
Khalil Amiri, David Petrou, Gregory R. Ganger, Gar...