This paper explores the challenges associated with distributed application management in large-scale computing environments. In particular, we investigate several techniques for e...
Nikolay Topilski, Jeannie R. Albrecht, Amin Vahdat
Large-scale scientific and business applications require data processing of ever-increasing amounts of data, fueling a demand for scalable parallel file systems comprising hundred...
While cooperative DNS resolver systems, such as CoDNS, have demonstrated improved reliability and performance over standard approaches, their security has been weaker, since any c...
The popularity of "Trust-on-first-use" (Tofu) authentication, used by SSH and HTTPS with self-signed certificates, demonstrates significant demand for host authenticatio...
Code sandboxing is useful for many purposes, but most sandboxing techniques require kernel modifications, do not completely isolate guest code, or incur substantial performance co...
Despite a low occurrence rate, silent data corruption represents a growing concern for storage systems designers. Throughout the storage hierarchy, from the file system down to th...
New single-machine environments are emerging from abundant computation available through multiple cores and secure virtualization. In this paper, we describe the research challeng...