In this paper we investigate the problem of user authentication using keystroke biometrics. A new distance metric that is effective in dealing with the challenges intrinsic to key...
Abstract: The security of a dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme for multiserver environment using smart cards proposed by Lee et al. [Lee, C-C., Lin, T-H., Chang, R-...
User authentication is essential in service-oriented communication networks to identify and reject any unauthorized network access. The state-of-the-art practice in securing wirele...
Using smart cards, remote user authentication and key agreement can be simplified, flexible, and efficient for creating a secure distributed computers environment. Addition to use...
Abstract. Man-in-the-middle attacks pose a serious threat to SSL/TLSbased electronic commerce applications, such as Internet banking. In this paper, we argue that most deployed use...
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks pose a serious threat to SSL/TLS-based e-commerce applications, and there are only a few technologies available to mitigate the risks. In [OHB05], ...
: Present-day handheld devices, such as PDAs, are a useful blend of hardware and software oriented toward the mobile workforce. While they provide the capability to review document...
User authentication involves establishing a user's right to access a system. Most user authentication is done with text passwords, which have advantages over other approaches...
The standard solution for user authentication on the Web is to establish a TLS-based secure channel in server authenticated mode and run a protocol on top of TLS where the user en...
Sebastian Gajek, Mark Manulis, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi,...
This paper presents an integrated method to achieve authorized access on LAN sockets in a campus network. The key issues of our method are user authentication and user tracking. W...