Query auto completion is known to provide poor predictions of the user’s query when her input prefix is very short (e.g., one or two characters). In this paper we show that con...
— Collaborative filtering (CF) systems exploit previous ratings and similarity in user behavior to recommend the top-k objects/records which are potentially most interesting to t...
— The problem of jamming plays an important role in ensuring the quality and security of wireless communications, especially at this moment when wireless networks are quickly bec...
Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Andrey Garna...
Although much work in NLP has focused on simply determining what a document means, we also must know whether or not to believe it. Fact-finding algorithms attempt to identify the ...
The paper proposes an approach to modeling users of large Web sites based on combining different data sources: access logs and content of the accessed pages are combined with sema...
In this paper we present GDR, a Guided Data Repair framework that incorporates user feedback in the cleaning process to enhance and accelerate existing automatic repair techniques...
Mohamed Yakout, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Jennifer Nevi...
We developed AffectPhone, a system that detects a user's emotional state using the GSR, and conveys this state via changes in the temperature (wamrth or coolness) of the back ...
Activity videos are widespread on the Internet but current video search is limited to text tags due to limitations in recognition systems. One of the main reasons for this limitati...
Antony Lam, Amit K. Roy Chowdhury, Christian R. Sh...
Using multimodality in a computing system is advantageous in the sense that it makes computing more accessible to a wide range of users including those with impairments. Our work ...
Ali Awde, Moeiz Miraoui, Chakib Tadj, Yacine Belli...
In previous works, Juba and Sudan [6] and Goldreich, Juba and Sudan [4] considered the idea of "semantic communication", wherein two players, a user and a server, attemp...