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Abstract: This paper presents SMarty, a variability management approach for UMLbased software product lines (PL). SMarty is supported by a UML profile, the SMartyProfile, and a pro...
Edson Alves de Oliveira Junior, Itana Maria de Sou...
A key aspect of variability management in software product families is the explicit representation of the variability. Experiences at several industrial software development compan...
Marco Sinnema, Sybren Deelstra, Jos Nijhuis, Jan B...
With current trends towards moving variability from hardware to software, and given the increasing desire to postpone design decisions as much as is economically feasible, managin...
Rabih Bashroush, Ivor T. A. Spence, Peter Kilpatri...
Variability management is a key concern in the software industry. It allows designers to rapidly propose applications that fit the environment and the user needs, with a certain Q...
This paper presents an analysis of feature-oriented and aspectoriented modularization approaches with respect to variability management as needed in the context of system families...
Software Product Lines (SPL) and Runtime Adaptation (RTA) have traditionally been distinct research areas addressing different problems and with different communities. Despite the...
Vander Alves, Daniel Schneider, Martin Becker, Nel...
Most software-intensive systems rely on a componentbased design and are therefore made up of encapsulated structural units which are hierarchically composed of one another. In thi...