
14 years 4 months ago
The Impact of Transients on Simulation Variance Estimators
Given a stationary simulation process with unknown mean µ , interest frequently lies in, and various methods exist for, developing estimates and confidence intervals for µ . Typ...
Daniel H. Ockerman, David Goldsman
14 years 5 months ago
A distribution-free tabular CUSUM chart for correlated data with automated variance estimation
We formulate and evaluate distribution-free statistical process control (SPC) charts for monitoring an autocorrelated process when a training data set is used to estimate the marg...
Joongsup Lee, Christos Alexopoulos, David Goldsman...
14 years 5 months ago
Folded standardized time series area variance estimators for simulation
We estimate the variance parameter of a stationary simulation-generated process using “folded” versions of standardized time series area estimators. We formulate improved vari...
Claudia Antonini, Christos Alexopoulos, David Gold...
14 years 5 months ago
Confidence interval estimation using linear combinations of overlapping variance estimators
We develop new confidence-interval estimators for the mean and variance parameter of a steady-state simulation output process. These confidence intervals are based on optimal li...
Tûba Aktaran-Kalayci, David Goldsman, James ...