
127views more  JCP 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Model-Free Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Using Recursive Least Squares
In this paper, a model free uncalibrated visual servoing algorithm based on recursive least squares is proposed and discussed in depth. No robot kinetics or dynamics, camera calibr...
Miao Hao, Peter Deuflhard, Zengqi Sun, Masakazu Fu...
118views more  AR 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Epipole-based visual servoing for mobile robots
This paper proposes a visual servoing algorithm for mobile robot navigation based on the epipolar geometry retrieved by object profiles. The main motivation for this approach is th...
Graziano Chesi, Gian Luca Mariottini, Domenico Pra...
14 years 4 months ago
Robot Stereo-hand Coordination for Grasping Curved Parts
In this paper we present an algorithm to compute set-point (i.e. a position to be reached by the robot) automatically from conic features virtually placed by an operator onto the ...
Yves Dufournaud, Radu Horaud, Long Quan