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Designers are skilled at sketching and prototyping the look of interfaces, but to explore various behaviors (what the interface does in response to input) typically requires progr...
Brad A. Myers, Sun Young Park, Yoko Nakano, Greg M...
While a designer’s focus used to be the design of non-interactive elements such as graphics or animations, today’s designers deal with various levels of interactivity such as ...
Although a new class of languages has emerged to enable end users to create their own web applications, little is known about how end-user programmers actually use such languages ...
Christopher Bogart, Margaret M. Burnett, Allen Cyp...
We believe it is unreasonable to assume that all students will own a laptop. One potential solution is to depend on the students to bring whatever computing devices (cell phones, ...
Spreadsheets are one of the most common end-user programming environments in use today, and their importance in the business world continues to grow. Although considered critical ...
Visual modeling languages for discrete behavior modeling allow the modeler to describe how systems develop over time during system runs. Models of these languages are the basis fo...
Enrico Biermann, Claudia Ermel, Jonas Hurrelmann, ...
Assessing software quality and understanding how events in its evolution have lead to anomalies are two important steps toward reducing costs in software maintenance. Unfortunatel...
Guillaume Langelier, Houari A. Sahraoui, Pierre Po...
An important part of many programming tasks is the use of libraries and other forms of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Programming via web services using a Service-Orie...
Jack Beaton, Sae Young Jeong, Yingyu Xie, Jeffrey ...