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An Event-Join combinestemporaljoin and outerjoin properties into a single operation. It is mostly used to group temporal attributes of an entity into a single relation. In this pa...
Fuzzy set theory represents a uniform framework for extending the relational database model to han-, dle imprecision of information found in the real world. None of the existing p...
with a full abstract specification of the data-types involved and a multi-level architecture similar to that of a DBMS. A related question is the kind of model that is most suitabl...
paper is concerned with ways of specifying situations and evaluating them efficiently. The techniques described in this paper were developed as part of the HiPAC (High Performance...
Arnon Rosenthal, Sharma Chakravarthy, Barbara T. B...
A method is described for actively interfacing an Object-Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) to application pre grams. The method, called a database monitor, observes how...
Deductive conceptualmodels(DCMs) aim at providing a complete specification of information systems,expressing only its logic component.It hasbeenshownthatDCMs have some advantagesw...