In this paper we present a prototype system for the management of earth science data which is novel in that it takes a DBMS centric view of the the task. Our prototype -- called &...
Scientific data of importance to biologists in the Humitn Genome Project resides not only in conventional da.tabases, but in structured files maintained in a number of different f...
Peter Buneman, Susan B. Davidson, Kyle Hart, G. Ch...
We describe SCC-kS, a Speculative Concurrency Control (SCC) algorithm that allows a DBMS to use efficiently the extra computing resources available in the system to increase the l...
abstract of invited paper Document management has many aspects, among them acquisition, storage, retrieval, presentation and processing of documents (work flow). These aspects will...
We present a shape definition language, called SDC, for retrieving objects based on shapes contained in the histories associated with these objects. It is a small, yet powerful, l...
Rakesh Agrawal, Giuseppe Psaila, Edward L. Wimmers...
We describe an eficient server-based algorithm for garbage collecting object-oriented databases in a client/server environment. The algorithm is incremental and runs concurrently ...
Laurent Amsaleg, Michael J. Franklin, Olivier Grub...