Deterministic testing of SQL database systems is human intensive and cannot adequately cover the SQL input domain. A system (RAGS), was built to stochastically generate valid SQL ...
Mining for association rules in market basket data has proved a fruitful areaof research. Measures such as conditional probability (confidence) and correlation have been used to i...
To fulfill the requirement of fast interactive multidimensional data analysis, database systems precompute aggregate views on some subsets of dimensions and their corresponding hi...
Amit Shukla, Prasad Deshpande, Jeffrey F. Naughton
Approximate predicates can be used to reduce the number of comparisons made by expensive, complex predicates. For example, to check if a point is within a region (expensive predic...
Many applications require the management of spatial data. Clustering large spatial databases is an important problem which tries to find the densely populated regions in the featu...
The buffer pool manager is a central component of ADABAS, a high performance scaleable database system for OLTP processing. High efficiency and scalability of the buffer pool mana...
The increasing performance and decreasing cost of processors and memory are causing system intelligence to move into peripherals from the CPU. Storage system designers are using t...
In this paper, we present the results that we have obtained by comparing and testing three well-known database middleware solutions. We have analyzed their features related to glo...
Classification is an important problem in data mining. Given a database of records, each with a class label, a classifier generates a concise and meaningful description for each c...
Many decision support systems, which utilize association rules for discovering interesting patterns, require the discovery of association rules that vary over time. Such rules des...
Sridhar Ramaswamy, Sameer Mahajan, Abraham Silbers...