The speedups and the energy reductions achieved in a generic single-chip microprocessor system by employing a high-performance data-path are presented. The data-path acts as a copr...
Michalis D. Galanis, Gregory Dimitroulakos, Costas...
Digital signal processing (DSP) applications involve processing long streams of input data. It is important to take into account this form of processing when implementing embedded ...
Ming-Yung Ko, Chung-Ching Shen, Shuvra S. Bhattach...
Modern multimedia applications usually have real-time constraints and they are implemented using application-domain specific embedded processors. Dimensioning a system requires acc...
Stefan Valentin Gheorghita, Twan Basten, Henk Corp...
This paper describes a novel memory hierarchy and line-pixel-lookahead (LPL) for an H.264/AVC video decoder. The memory system is the bottleneck of most video processors, particula...
Many different video processor architectures exist. Its architecture gives a processor strength for a particular application. Hardwired logic yields the best performance/cost, but ...
Cryptographic substitution boxes (S-boxes) are an integral part of modern block ciphers like the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). There exists a rich literature devoted to the ...
Stefan Tillich, Martin Feldhofer, Thomas Popp, Joh...
H.264/AVC is the latest video coding standard adopting variable block size motion estimation (VBS-ME), quarter-pixel accuracy, motion vector prediction and multi-reference frames f...