We present a lightweight type-and-effect system for Java programs that features two major innovations over extant object-oriented effects systems: initialization effects, which ...
We present the first shape analysis for multithreaded programs that avoids the explicit enumeration of execution-interleavings. Our approach is to automatically infer a resource ...
There has been a lot of recent research on transaction-based concurrent programming, aimed at offering an easier concurrent programming paradigm that enables programmers to better...
We study price-per-reward games on hybrid automata with strong resets. They generalise priced games previously studied and have applications in scheduling. We obtain decidability r...
This paper presents a case study in modelling and verifying the Linux Virtual File System (VFS). Our work is set in the context of Hoare’s verification grand challenge and, in p...
Abstract. Because of its critical importance underlying all other software, lowlevel system software is among the most important targets for formal verification. Low-level systems...
Abstract There is an intimate link between program structure and behaviour. Exploiting this link to phrase program correctness problems in terms of the structural properties of a p...
—A variety of partial modeling formalisms, aimed re and reason about abstractions, have been proposed. Some, e.g., Kripke Modal Transition Systems (KMTSs) put strong restrictions...
This paper describes the methods used in Empire, a tool to detect concurrency-related bugs, namely atomic-set serializability violations in Java programs. The correctness criterion...
Nicholas Kidd, Thomas W. Reps, Julian Dolby, Manda...