Conventional mechanisms for electronic commerce provide strong means for securing transfer of funds, and for ensuring such things as authenticity and non-repudiation. But they gene...
Work to date on algorithms for message-passing systems has explored a wide variety of types of faults, but corresponding work on shared memory systems has usually assumed that only...
Dahlia Malkhi, Michael Merritt, Michael K. Reiter,...
This paper presents a study of a distributed cooperation problem under the assumption that processors may not be able to communicate for a prolonged time. The problem for n proces...
Grzegorz Malewicz, Alexander Russell, Alexander A....
This paper presents a scalable leader election protocol for large process groups with a weak membership requirement. The underlying network is assumed to be unreliable but characte...
Indranil Gupta, Robbert van Renesse, Kenneth P. Bi...
A graph G with n vertices and maximum degree G cannot be given weak sense of direction using less than G colours. It is known that n colours are always sufficient, and it was conje...