A contention-sensitive data structure is a concurrent data structure in which the overhead introduced by locking is eliminated in the common cases, when there is no contention, or ...
Virtual Ring Routing (VRR) schemes were introduced in the context of wireless ad hoc networks and Internet anycast overlays. They build a network-routing layer using ideas from dis...
Dahlia Malkhi, Siddhartha Sen, Kunal Talwar, Renat...
Abstract. Optimistic and nonblocking concurrent algorithms are increasingly finding their way into practical use; an important example is software transactional memory implementat...
In a distributed network, a compact multicast scheme is a routing scheme that allows any source to send messages to any set of targets. We study the trade-off between the space us...
The (M, W)-controller, originally studied by Afek, Awerbuch, Plotkin, and Saks, is a basic ted tool that provides an abstraction for managing the consumption of a global resource ...
Abstract. Wireless ad-hoc networks are being increasingly used in diverse contexts, ranging from casual meetings to disaster recovery operations. A promising approach is to model t...
Henrique Moniz, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Miguel Correi...