As the number of Web users and the diversity of Web applications continues to explode, Web Quality of Service (QoS) is an increasingly critical issue in the domain of e-Commerce. ...
Semantic Web applications share a large portion of development effort with database-driven Web applications. Existing approaches for development of these database-driven applicati...
Many software systems have evolved to include a Web-based component that makes them available to the public via the Internet and can expose them to a variety of Web-based attacks. ...
William G. J. Halfond, Alessandro Orso, Pete Manol...
Web applications are widely adopted and their correct functioning is mission critical for many businesses. At the same time, Web applications tend to be error prone and implementat...
Lieven Desmet, Pierre Verbaeten, Wouter Joosen, Fr...
: Web applications have evolved from simple read-only websites to complex data- and operation-intensive systems. The main goal of this kind of application is to provide the users w...
: Web applications are the most widely used class of software today. Increased diversity of web-client platform configurations causes execution of web applications to vary unpredic...
: Web applications are widely disseminated, but, traditional development methods for this type of application still require a substantial amount of new modeling and programming. Cu...
: The aim of this paper is to review the best known methodologies for web applications development as well as the existing supporting tools and techniques from an accessibility-cen...
Prolog is an excellent tool for representing and manipulating data written in formal languages as well as natural language. Its safe semantics and automatic memory management make...
Jan Wielemaker, Zhisheng Huang, Lourens van der Me...
The World Wide Web has undergone a rapid transition from the originally static hypertext to an ubiquitous hypermedia system. Today, the Web is not only used as a basis for distribu...