Web Portals are increasingly being used for important tasks, at a work, personal or leisure related issues. Since Web Portals provide with applications, services and information, t...
Abstract. Web portals provide an efficient gateway to a broad range of Eservices, resources and information. Web portals need to evolve towards being adaptive in nature, so that th...
Due to the problem of information overload, locating relevant Web portals precisely based on user requirements is quite an essential task. As the need for application-to-applicatio...
: Web portals have emerged as an important means of collaboration on the WWW, and the integration of ontologies promises to make them more accurate in how they serve users’ colla...
David Lewis, Kevin Feeney, Thanassis Tiropanis, Si...
A web portal is a platform for information presentation and information exchange over the Internet in a community of interest. Conventional web technologies used in web portals pr...
Dieter Fensel, Holger Lausen, Michael Stollberg, R...