Most windowing systems follow the independent overlapping windows approach, which emerged as an answer to the needs of the 1980s’ technology. Due to advances in computers and di...
We develop a fast and accurate variable window approach. The two main ideas for achieving accuracy are choosing a useful range of window sizes/shapes for evaluation and developing...
Twenty years after the general adoption of overlapping windows and the desktop metaphor, modern window systems differ mainly in minor details such as window decorations or mouse a...
Several window constructs are usually specified in continuous queries over data streams as a means of limiting the amount of data processed each time and thus providing real-time...
Abstract—In this paper we present MicroPulse, a novel framework for adapting the waking window of a sensing device S based on the data workload incurred by a query Q. Assuming a ...
This paper describes a method that accelerates pattern matching. The distance between a pattern and a window is usually close to the distance of the pattern to the adjacement windo...
Continuous queries applied over nonterminating data streams usually specify windows in order to obtain an evolving –yet restricted– set of tuples and thus provide timely result...