
100views more  WINET 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
SOLONet: Sub-optimal location-aided overlay network for MANETs
Overlay networks have made it easy to implement multicast functionality in wireless ad hoc networks. Their flexibility to adapt to different environments has helped in their stead...
Abhishek P. Patil, Yunhao Liu, Li Xiao, Abdol-Hoss...
176views more  TWC 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Asynchronous distributed power and rate control in ad hoc networks: a game-theoretic approach
This paper analyzes distributed asynchronous power and rate control for wireless ad hoc networks. Importantly, all network transmitters are considered to be independent of any mana...
Stepán Kucera, Sonia Aïssa, Koji Yamam...
164views more  JUCS 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
An Adaptive Hierarchical Extension of DSR: The Cluster Source Routing
: Numerous studies have shown the difficulty for a single routing protocol to scale with respect to mobility and network size in wireless ad hoc networks. This paper presents a clu...
Farid Jaddi, Béatrice Paillassa
191views more  JPDC 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Clustering wireless ad hoc networks with weakly connected dominating set
The increasing popular personal communications and mobile computing require a wireless network infrastructure that supports selfconfiguration and self-management. Efficient clus...
Bo Han, Weijia Jia
112views more  JPDC 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Distributed algorithms for connected domination in wireless networks
We present fast distributed local control Connected Dominating Set (CDS) algorithms for wireless ad hoc networks. We present two randomized distributed algorithms, CDSColor and CD...
Rajiv Gandhi, Srinivasan Parthasarathy 0002
98views more  JISE 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Integrated Buffer and Route Management in a DTN with Message Ferry
Unlike normal wireless ad hoc networks, end-to-end connection may not exist in DTNs Thus, the Message Ferrying (MF) scheme has been proposed as a strategy for providing connectivi...
Mooi Choo Chuah, Wenbin Ma
177views more  JCM 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Collision Free MAC Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks based on BIBD Architecture
—Wireless Ad hoc networks represent a powerful telecommunication infrastructure that is being exploited for enabling general wireless networking connectivity for a variety of sig...
Pietro Camarda, Orazio Fiume
192views more  TMC 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
A Bidding Algorithm for Optimized Utility-Based Resource Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks
Abstract-- This article proposes a scheme for bandwidth allocation in wireless ad hoc networks. The quality of service (QoS) levels for each end-to-end flow are expressed using a r...
Calin Curescu, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani
119views more  ADHOC 2005»
14 years 3 months ago
A link-indexed statistical traffic prediction approach to improving IEEE 802.11 PSM
Power management is an important technique to prolong the lifetime of battery-powered wireless ad hoc networks. The fact that the energy consumed in the idle state dominates the t...
Chunyu Hu, Jennifer C. Hou
100views more  ADHOC 2005»
14 years 3 months ago
Robust position-based routing for wireless ad hoc networks
We consider a wireless ad hoc network composed of a set of wireless nodes distributed in a two dimensional plane. Several routing protocols based on the positions of the mobile ho...
Kousha Moaveninejad, Wen-Zhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li