The design and evaluation of Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) protocols rely much on the accurate and efficient computational simulations. For simulations of Medium Access Contro...
While the canonical behavior of today’s home Internet users involves several residents concurrently executing diverse Internet applications, the most common home configuration ...
Jon Gretarsson, Feng Li, Mingzhe Li, Ashish Samant...
Advances in wireless technology have brought us closer to extensive deployment of distributed real-time embedded systems connected through a wireless channel. The medium access co...
Tanya L. Crenshaw, Ajay Tirumala, Spencer Hoke, Ma...
When multiple video sources are live-encoded and transmitted over a common wireless network, each stream needs to adapt its encoding parameters to wireless channel fluctuations, ...
— Nowadays wireless mesh routers are facilitating with more wireless channels than ever because of the advanced wireless communication technologies such as OFDM, SDR and CR(cogni...
—This paper investigates the tradeoff between throughput and feedback delay of limited feedback beamforming in indoor wireless channels with a practical MIMO-OFDM prototype. Past...
Robert C. Daniels, Ketan Mandke, Kien T. Truong, S...
Secure Device Pairing is the bootstrapping of secure communication between two previously unassociated devices over a wireless channel. The human-imperceptible nature of wireless ...
Alfred Kobsa, Rahim Sonawalla, Gene Tsudik, Ersin ...