: Relatively higher cost, worse extensibility of the monitoring points and weaker mobility are those disadvantages that widely exist in the wire data collection system of the tradi...
A critical need in Mobile Wireless Sensor Network (MWSN) is to achieve energy efficiency during routing as the sensor nodes have scarce energy resource. The nodes’ mobility in M...
Getsy S. Sara, Kalaiarasi R, Neelavathy Pari S, Sr...
Wireless sensor networks are finally becoming a reality. In this paper, we present a scalable architecture for using wireless sensor networks in combination with wireless Ethernet...
Ioan Raicu, Owen Richter, Loren Schwiebert, Sheral...
The key challenge in the design of a wireless sensor network is maximizing its lifetime. This is a fundamental problem and new protocol engineering principles need to be establish...
Raquel A. F. Mini, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Lourei...
The distance between nodes in a wireless sensor network (WSN) is an important factor in the performance that can be extracted from the network for many tasks. However, the distanc...
Abstract-- We consider the problem of estimating the geographic locations of nodes in a wireless sensor network where most sensors are without an effective self-positioning functio...
Sensor deployment is a critical issue because it affects the cost and detection capability of a wireless sensor network. In this work, we consider two related deployment problems: ...
This paper proposes a cross-layer optimization framework for the wireless sensor networks. In a wireless sensor network, each sensor makes a local observation of the underlying phy...
Recently, the DOA (Direction Of Arrival) estimation of an acoustic wavefront has been considered in a setting where the inference task is performed by a Wireless Sensor Network (W...
: In wireless sensor networks, one of the main design challenges is to save severely constrained energy resources and obtain a long system lifetime. Low cost of sensors enables us ...