VisSim/Discrete Event is a process-oriented, discrete event modeling toolkit based on the powerful and proven graphical interface provided by the underlying VisSim simulation envi...
The data collection and the automatic run-length control features provided in the CSIM18 library allow model builders to easily collect valid data from a simulation model and to b...
A psycho-physical vehicle-following model tries to capture both the physical and human components of congested-traffic simulations. These models determine the reactions of the veh...
A new approach to simulation response optimization is presented that takes advantage of the ability to run simultaneous replications of different experimental factor settings in a...
Virtual prototyping with 3D drawing programs provides a means of rapidly developing system concepts and analyzing them for form, fit, logistics, human factors integration, and gen...
Scheduling of a construction project requires: a) hierarchical decomposition of the project; b) incorporation of risk and uncertainty in the activity time and cost estimates; and ...
An important problem often faced by simulation analysts is that of choosing (or selecting) one of several potential system designs. This can be accomplished by comparing output fr...
Descriptive Sampling (DS), a Monte Carlo sampling technique based on a deterministic selection of the input values and their random permutation, represents a deep conceptual chang...
Active and cooperative learning methods represent a paradigm shift in the delivery of engineering education. These techniques recognize that the passive model of the typical colle...
The AutoModTM simulation system differs significantly from other systems because of its ability to deal with the physical elements of a system in physical (graphical) terms and th...