In this paper, we attempt to improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of query-dependent link-based ranking algorithms such as HITS, MAX and SALSA. All these ranking algorith...
A variety of lossless compression schemes have been proposed to reduce the storage requirements of web graphs. One successful approach is virtual node compression [7], in which of...
The Web is a dynamic, ever changing collection of information. This paper explores changes in Web content by analyzing a crawl of 55,000 Web pages, selected to represent different...
Eytan Adar, Jaime Teevan, Susan T. Dumais, Jonatha...
Personalized Web search takes advantage of information about an individual to identify the most relevant results for that person. A challenge for personalization lies in collectin...
We introduce a new visual search interface for search engines. The interface is a user-friendly and informative graphical front-end for organizing and presenting search results in...
Readability is a crucial presentation attribute that web summarization algorithms consider while generating a querybaised web summary. Readability quality also forms an important ...
A lot of the world’s knowledge is stored in books, which, as a result of recent mass-digitisation efforts, are increasingly available online. Search engines, such as Google Book...
Measuring the similarity between implicit semantic relations is an important task in information retrieval and natural language processing. For example, consider the situation whe...