Online social networks are now a popular way for users to connect, express themselves, and share content. Users in today's online social networks often post a profile, consis...
Alan Mislove, Bimal Viswanath, P. Krishna Gummadi,...
Activity in social media such as blogs, micro-blogs, social networks, etc is manifested via interaction that involves text, images, links and other information items. Naturally, s...
In addition to the actual content Web pages consist of navigational elements, templates, and advertisements. This boilerplate text typically is not related to the main content, ma...
We describe a machine learning approach for predicting sponsored search ad relevance. Our baseline model incorporates basic features of text overlap and we then extend the model t...
Dustin Hillard, Stefan Schroedl, Eren Manavoglu, H...
A fundamental premise of tagging systems is that regular users can organize large collections for browsing and other tasks using uncontrolled vocabularies. Until now, that premise...
Paul Heymann, Andreas Paepcke, Hector Garcia-Molin...
Recently, there has been tremendous interest in the phenomenon of influence propagation in social networks. The studies in this area assume they have as input to their problems a ...
Amit Goyal 0002, Francesco Bonchi, Laks V. S. Laks...
The success of "infinite-inventory" retailers such as and Netflix has been ascribed to a "long tail" phenomenon. To wit, while the majority of their...
Andrei Z. Broder, Bo Pang, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Sh...
We consider a set of views stating possibly conflicting facts. Negative facts in the views may come, e.g., from functional dependencies in the underlying database schema. We want ...