Abstract. Different kinds of unit testing activities are used in practice. Organised unit testing (regression testing or test-first activities) are very popular in commercial pract...
Abstract. This paper examines analogies and differences derived by the adoption of Agile Methodologies (AMs) in a set of software companies from the point of view of project manage...
Michela Dall'Agnol, Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Su...
As with to other agile methods, which value "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools" (http://agilemanifesto.org/), Extreme Programming (XP) cares about th...
Abstract. While there are many excellent acceptance testing tools and frameworks available today, this paper presents an alternative approach, involving generating code from tests ...
Abstract. User acceptance testing is finally getting the attention and tool support it deserves. It is imperative that acceptance tests follow the best practices and embody the cri...
One of the key elements in describing a software development method is the roles that are assigned to the members of the software team. This article describes our experience in ass...