
61views more  COMBINATORICS 2016»
8 years 6 months ago
An Extension of MacMahon's Equidistribution Theorem to Ordered Multiset Partitions
A classical result of MacMahon states that inversion number and major index have the same distribution over permutations of a given multiset. In this work we prove a strengthening ...
Andrew Timothy Wilson
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8 years 6 months ago
New Eulerian Numbers of Type $D$
We introduce a new array of type D Eulerian numbers, different from that studied by Brenti, Chow and Hyatt. We find in particular the recurrence relation, Worpitzky formula and ...
Anna Borowiec, Wojciech Mlotkowski
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8 years 6 months ago
Low Degree Nullstellensatz Certificates for 3-Colorability
Abstract. In a seminal paper, De Loera et. al introduce the algorithm NulLA (Nullstellensatz Linear Algebra) and use it to measure the difficulty of determining if a graph is not 3...
Bo Li, Benjamin Lowenstein, Mohamed Omar
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8 years 6 months ago
A Note on Perfect Matchings in Uniform Hypergraphs
We determine the exact minimum -degree threshold for perfect matchings in k-uniform hypergraphs when the corresponding threshold for perfect fractional matchings is significantly ...
Andrew Treglown, Yi Zhao
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8 years 6 months ago
Doubled Patterns are 3-Avoidable
In combinatorics on words, a word w over an alphabet Σ is said to avoid a pattern p over an alphabet ∆ if there is no factor f of w such that f = h(p) where h : ∆∗ → Σ...
Pascal Ochem