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—Network and service management encompasses a set of activities, methods, procedures, and tools whose ultimate goal is to guarantee the proper functioning of a networked system. ...
Vinicius Tavares Guimaraes, Carla Maria Dal Sasso ...
—Network function virtualization (NFV) has drawn significant attention from both industry and academia as an important shift in telecommunication service provisioning. By decoup...
Rashid Mijumbi, Joan Serrat, Juan-Luis Gorricho, N...
—Conventional cellular systems are designed to ensure ubiquitous coverage with an always present wireless channel irrespective of the spatial and temporal demand of service. This...
Abdelrahim Mohamed, Oluwakayode Onireti, Muhammad ...
—A growing number of sensors on smart mobile devices has led to rapid development of various mobile applications using location-based or context-aware services. Typically, outdoo...
Abstract—The power consumption in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) networks is growing year by year; this growth presents challenges from a technical, economic an...
Ward Van Heddeghem, Bart Lannoo, Didier Colle, Mar...
Abstract—The growing commercial interest in indoor locationbased services (ILBS) has spurred recent development of many indoor positioning techniques. Due to the absence of globa...
Abstract—Traditional power grids are currently being transformed into smart grids (SGs). SGs feature multi-way communication among energy generation, transmission, distribution, ...
Athar Ali Khan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Martin Re...
—During the last two decades, wireless communication has been revolutionized by near-capacity Error-Correcting Codes (ECCs), such as Turbo Codes (TCs), which offer a lower Bit Er...
Matthew F. Brejza, Liang Li, Robert G. Maunder, Ba...