The IEEE 802.11 backoff algorithm is very important for controlling system throughput over contentionbased wireless networks. For this reason, there are many studies on wireless n...
Packet scheduling in switches is not programmable; operators only choose among a handful of scheduling algorithms implemented by the manufacturer. In contrast, other switch functi...
From smart homes that prepare coffee when we wake, to phones that know not to interrupt us during important conversations, our collective visions of HCI imagine a future in which ...
Ethan Fast, William McGrath, Pranav Rajpurkar, Mic...
—We study recovery of low-rank tensors from a small number of measurements. A version of the iterative hard thresholding algorithm (TIHT) for the higher order singular value deco...
Holger Rauhut, Reinhold Schneider, Zeljka Stojanac
Expert crowdsourcing marketplaces have untapped potential to empower workers’ career and skill development. Currently, many workers cannot afford to invest the time and sacrifi...
Ryo Suzuki, Niloufar Salehi, Michelle S. Lam, Juan...
This paper describes the COCO-Text dataset. In recent years large-scale datasets like SUN and Imagenet drove the advancement of scene understanding and object recognition. The goa...
Andreas Veit, Tomas Matera, Lukas Neumann, Jiri Ma...
—We investigate the duality of the binary erasure channel (BEC) and the binary defect channel (BDC). This duality holds for channel capacities, capacity achieving schemes, minimu...
Subsampling strategies are derived to sample a small portion of design (data) points in a low-dimensional linear regression model y = Xβ +ε with near-optimal statistical rates. ...