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State of the art RDF stores often rely on exhaustive indexing and sequential (self-)joins for SPARQL query processing. However, query execution is dependent on, and often limited ...
There is considerable interest in the design and development of distributed systems that can execute algorithms to process large graphs. Serializability guarantees that parallel e...
Data wrangling is the process by which the data required by an application is identified, extracted, cleaned and integrated, to yield a data set that is suitable for exploration ...
Tim Furche, Georg Gottlob, Leonid Libkin, Giorgio ...
The Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud brings together information described in RDF and stored on the web in (possibly distributed) RDF Knowledge Bases (KBs). The data in these KBs are ...
During the life of a database, systematic and frequent violations of a given constraint may suggest that the represented reality is changing and thus the constraint should evolve ...
RDF is a standard for the conceptual description of knowledge, and SPARQL is the query language conceived to query RDF data. The RDF data is cherished and exploited by various dom...
Enterprises and researchers often have datasets that can be represented as graphs (e.g. social networks). The owner of a large graph may want to scale it down to a smaller version...
Exchange-repair semantics (or, XR-Certain semantics) is a recently proposed inconsistency-tolerant semantics in the context of data exchange. This semantics makes it possible to p...
Ranked lists are an essential methodology to succinctly summarize outstanding items, computed over database tables or crowdsourced in dedicated websites. In this work, we address ...
Skyline queries represent a dataset by the points on its pareto frontier, but can become very large. To alleviate this problem, representative skylines select exactly k skyline po...