We find the weak rate of convergence of the spatially semidiscrete finite element approximation of the nonlinear stochastic heat equation. Both multiplicative and additive noise ...
We study analytical properties of the Toro-Titarev solver for generalized Riemann problems (GRPs), which is the heart of the flux computation in ADER generalized Godunov schemes. ...
Abstract. The general number field sieve (GNFS) is the most efficient algorithm known for factoring large integers. It consists of several stages, the first one being polynomial ...
Shi Bai, Cyril Bouvier, Alexander Kruppa, Paul Zim...
Assuming GRH, we prove an explicit upper bound for the number of zeros of a Dedekind zeta function having imaginary part in [T−a, T+a]. We also prove a bound for the multiplicity...