
76views Robotics» more  RAS 2016»
8 years 11 months ago
Living with robots: Interactive environmental knowledge acquisition
Guglielmo Gemignani, Roberto Capobianco, Emanuele ...
75views Robotics» more  RAS 2016»
8 years 11 months ago
A visual servoing approach for autonomous corridor following and doorway passing in a wheelchair
Navigating within an unknown indoor environment using an electric wheelchair is a challenging task, especially if the user suffers from severe disabilities. In order to reduce fa...
François Pasteau, Vishnu K. Narayanan, Mari...
80views Robotics» more  RAS 2016»
8 years 11 months ago
Hobbit, a care robot supporting independent living at home: First prototype and lessons learned
: One option to address the challenge of demographic transition is to build robots that enable aging in place. Falling has been identified as the most relevant factor to cause a mo...
David Fischinger, Peter Einramhof, Konstantinos E....