Live programming environments are powerful experimental tools that enable programmers to write programs in a trialand-error way thanks to its quick feedback. Since the feedback in...
Building a cost-effective static analyser for real-world programs is still regarded an art. One key contributor to this grim reputation is the difficulty in balancing the cost an...
We demonstrate that general-purpose memory allocation involving many threads on many cores can be done with high performance, multicore scalability, and low memory consumption. Fo...
Martin Aigner 0003, Christoph M. Kirsch, Michael L...
This paper presents a new, co-designed compiler and architecture called GhostRider for supporting privacy preserving computation in the cloud. GhostRider ensures all programs sati...
Formal specifications for APIs help developers correctly use them and enable checker tools automatically verify their uses. However, formal specifications are not always availab...
Hoan Anh Nguyen, Robert Dyer 0001, Tien N. Nguyen,...
Growing volumes of data increase the demand to use it in analytical applications to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, object-oriented runtimes experience performance problem...
Toni Mattis, Johannes Henning, Patrick Rein, Rober...
We present an efficient, modular, and feature-rich framework for automated generation and validation of complex structures, suitable for tasks that explore a large space of struc...
The data structures under-pinning collection API (e.g. lists, sets, maps) in the standard libraries of programming languages are used intensively in many applications. The standar...