Abstract. A popular model of asynchronous programming consists of a singlethreaded worker process interacting with a task queue. In each step of such a program, the worker takes a ...
Abstract. Many SMT problems of interest may require the capability of finding models that are optimal wrt. some objective functions. These problems are grouped under the umbrella ...
We investigate the correctness of TimSort, which is the main sorting algorithm provided by the Java standard library. The goal is functional verification with mechanical proofs. D...
Stijn de Gouw, Jurriaan Rot, Frank S. de Boer, Ric...
Abstract. We apply multivariate Lagrange interpolation to synthesizing polynomial quantitative loop invariants for probabilistic programs. We reduce the computation of an quantitat...
Abstract. We present a computer-aided programming approach to concurrency. The approach allows programmers to program assuming a friendly, non-preemptive scheduler, and our synthes...
ate Synchrony: An Abstraction for Distributed Almost-Synchronous Systems Ankush Desai1 , Sanjit A. Seshia1 , Shaz Qadeer2 , David Broman1,3 , John C. Eidson1 1 University of Califo...
Ankush Desai, Sanjit A. Seshia, Shaz Qadeer, David...
Abstract. Program synthesis tools work by searching for an implementation that satisfies a given specification. Two popular search strategies are symbolic search, which reduces s...
Abstract. Proofs of linearizability of concurrent data structures generally rely on identifying linearization points to establish a simulation argument between the implementation a...
POR beat Counter Abstraction: Parameterized Model Checking of Threshold-Based Distributed Algorithms Igor Konnov, Helmut Veith, and Josef Widder TU Wien (Vienna University of Techn...