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Business Process and Business Rule Modeling Languages for Compliance Management: A Representational Analysis
Business Process and Business Rule Modeling Languages for Compliance Management: A Representational Analysis
Organizations are under increasing scrutiny to document their compliance to regulatory requirements. To this end, they have to formally document their operatin...
237 views   69 votes
Springer Michael zur Muehlen, Marta Indulska, Gerrit Kamp
Risk Management in the BPM Lifecycle
Risk Management in the BPM Lifecycle
Business Process Management is considered an essential strategy to create and maintain competitive advantage by streamlining and monitoring corporate processes....
228 views   74 votes
Springer Michael zur Muehlen, Danny Ting-Yi Ho
Challenges for Business Process Intelligence: Discussions at the BPI Workshop 2007
Challenges for Business Process Intelligence: Discussions at the BPI Workshop 2007
Abstract. This paper summarizes the discussions at the 3rd Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 07) which was held at the 5th International Conference...
173 views   45 votes
Springer Michael Genrich, Alex Kokkonen, Jürgen Moormann, Michael zur Muehlen, Roger Tregear, Jan Mendling, Barbara Weber
How Much Language Is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation
How Much Language Is Enough? Theoretical and Practical Use of the Business Process Modeling Notation
The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is an increasingly important industry standard for the graphical representation of business processes. BPMN offers...
161 views   55 votes
Springer Michael zur Muehlen, Jan Recker
AFRICA: Workflow Interoperability Based on XML-Messages
AFRICA: Workflow Interoperability Based on XML-Messages
158 views   50 votes
Michael zur Muehlen, Florian Klein
Binding Now or Binding Later: The Performance of UDDI Registries
Binding Now or Binding Later: The Performance of UDDI Registries
In service-oriented environments, the fluidity of the marketplace introduces changes in service offerings and subsequent connection failures for users still bo...
148 views   49 votes
IEEE M. Brian Blake, Amy Lynn Sliva, Michael zur Muehlen, Jeffrey V. Nickerson
Workflow Management Systems + Swarm Intelligence = Dynamic Task Assignment for Emergency Management Applications
Workflow Management Systems + Swarm Intelligence = Dynamic Task Assignment for Emergency Management Applications
The assignment of tasks to human performers is a critical component in people-centric business process management systems. Workflow management systems typically...
143 views   39 votes
Springer Hajo A. Reijers, Monique H. Jansen-Vullers, Michael zur Muehlen, Winfried Appl
Workflow-based Process Monitoring and Controlling - Technical and Organizational Issues
Workflow-based Process Monitoring and Controlling - Technical and Organizational Issues
Workflow management systems enable the exact and timely analysis of automated business processes through the analysis of the logged audit trail data. Within th...
131 views   47 votes
IEEE Michael zur Muehlen, Michael Rosemann
Multi-Paradigm Process Management
Multi-Paradigm Process Management
Automation and integration of business processes are at the heart of contemporary enterprise systems. In the pursuit of this goal, process automation technology...
120 views   49 votes
Springer Michael zur Muehlen, Michael Rosemann
Towards a Classification Framework for Application Granularity in Workflow Management Systems
Towards a Classification Framework for Application Granularity in Workflow Management Systems
The support of process enactment through the use of workflow management systems has gained considerable attention within the last few years. We develop a classi...
113 views   56 votes
Springer Jörg Becker, Michael zur Muehlen
Evaluation of Workflow Management Systems using Meta Models
Evaluation of Workflow Management Systems using Meta Models
The analysis of workflow meta models aims at a problem that frequently occurs during the selection of a workflow management system ...
106 views   55 votes
IEEE Michael zur Muehlen
Identifying the Workflow Potential of Business Processes
Identifying the Workflow Potential of Business Processes
Though the activities of business organizations in the field of workflow management are facing an enormous growth, a methodical solution for an essential probl...
82 views   55 votes
IEEE Jörg Becker, Christoph von Uthmann, Michael zur Muehlen, Michael Rosemann
Ein Framework zur Identifikation des Workflow-Potenzials von Prozessen
Ein Framework zur Identifikation des Workflow-Potenzials von Prozessen
39 views   26 votes
Michael zur Muehlen, Christoph von Uthmann
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