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TORCS: The Open Racing Car Simulator
TORCS: The Open Racing Car Simulator
TORCS is a highly portable multi platform car racing simulation. It is used as ordinary car racing game, as AI racing game and as research platform. It runs on ...
1228 views   134 votes
Statistical Decision Making for Authentication and Intrusion Detection
Statistical Decision Making for Authentication and Intrusion Detection
User authentication and intrusion detection differ from standard classification problems in that while we have data generated from legitimate users, impostor or...
634 views   76 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
Reid et al.'s Distance Bounding Protocol and Mafia Fraud Attacks over Noisy Channels
Reid et al.'s Distance Bounding Protocol and Mafia Fraud Attacks over Noisy Channels
Distance bounding protocols are an effective countermeasure against relay attacks including distance fraud, mafia fraud and terrorist fraud attacks. Reid et al....
545 views   79 votes
A. Mitrokotsa, C. Dimitrakakis, P. Peris-Lopez, J. C. Hernandez-Castro
Cover Trees for Nearest Neighbor
Cover Trees for Nearest Neighbor
We present a tree data structure for fast nearest neighbor operations in general n- point metric spaces (where the data set con- sists of n points). The data...
522 views   87 votes
IEEE Alina Beygelzimer, Sham Kakade, John Langford
Complexity of Stochastic Branch and Bound Methods for Belief Tree Search in Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
Complexity of Stochastic Branch and Bound Methods for Belief Tree Search in Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
There has been a lot of recent work on Bayesian methods for reinforcement learning exhibiting near-optimal online performance. The main obstacle facing such met...
509 views   95 votes
INSTICC Christos Dimitrakakis
Data Structures and Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search in General Metric Spaces
Data Structures and Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search in General Metric Spaces
We consider the computational problem of finding nearest neighbors in general metric spaces. Of particular interest are spaces that may not be conveniently emb...
417 views   65 votes
Peter N. Yianilos
Bayesian variable order Markov models.
Bayesian variable order Markov models.
We present a simple, effective generalisation of variable order Markov models to full online Bayesian estimation. The mechanism used is close to that employed...
404 views   61 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis
Cost-minimising strategies for data labelling : optimal stopping and active learning
Cost-minimising strategies for data labelling : optimal stopping and active learning
Supervised learning deals with the inference of a distribution over an output or label space $\CY$ conditioned on points in an observation space $\CX$, given a ...
358 views   70 votes
Springer Christos Dimitrakakis, Christian Savu-Krohn
Efficient methods for near-optimal sequential decision making under uncertainty
Efficient methods for near-optimal sequential decision making under uncertainty
This chapter discusses decision making under uncertainty. More specifically, it offers an overview of efficient Bayesian and distribution-free algorithms for ma...
352 views   68 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis
Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
Several researchers have recently investigated the connection between reinforcement learning and classification. We are motivated by proposals of approximate po...
334 views   86 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis, Michail G. Lagoudakis
Expected loss bounds for authentication in constrained channels
Expected loss bounds for authentication in constrained channels
We derive bounds on the expected loss for authentication protocols in channels which are constrained due to noisy conditions and communication costs. This is m...
304 views   108 votes
IEEE Christos Dimitrakakis, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Serge Vaudenay
Phoneme and Sentence-Level Ensembles for Speech Recognition
Phoneme and Sentence-Level Ensembles for Speech Recognition
We address the question of whether and how boosting and bagging can be used for speech recognition. In order to do this, we compare two different boosting sch...
291 views   93 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis, Samy Bengio
Context models on sequences of covers
Context models on sequences of covers
We present a class of models that, via a simple construction, enables exact, incremental, non-parametric, polynomial-time, Bayesian inference of conditional m...
252 views   71 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis
Bayesian multitask inverse reinforcement learning
Bayesian multitask inverse reinforcement learning
We generalise the problem of inverse reinforcement learning to multiple tasks, from multiple demonstrations. Each one may represent one expert trying to solve a...
240 views   92 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis, Constantin A. Rothkopf
Sparse reward processes
Sparse reward processes
We introduce a class of learning problems where the agent is presented with a series of tasks. Intuitively, if there is relation among those tasks, then the inf...
233 views   77 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis
Algorithms and Bounds for Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
Algorithms and Bounds for Rollout Sampling Approximate Policy Iteration
Abstract: Several approximate policy iteration schemes without value functions, which focus on policy representation using classifiers and address policy le...
222 views   51 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis, Michail G. Lagoudakis
Cost-Minimising Strategies for Data Labelling: Optimal Stopping and Active Learning
Cost-Minimising Strategies for Data Labelling: Optimal Stopping and Active Learning
Supervised learning deals with the inference of a distribution over an output or label space Y conditioned on points in an observation space X , given a traini...
178 views   57 votes
Springer Christos Dimitrakakis, Christian Savu-Krohn
Bayesian variable order Markov models
Bayesian variable order Markov models
175 views   66 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis
ABC Reinforcement Learning
ABC Reinforcement Learning
This paper introduces a simple, general framework for likelihood-free Bayesian reinforcement learning, through Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). The ...
160 views   86 votes
IEEE Christos Dimitrakakis, Nikolaos Tziortziotis
Preference elicitation and inverse reinforcement learning
Preference elicitation and inverse reinforcement learning
We state the problem of inverse reinforcement learning in terms of preference elicitation, resulting in a principled (Bayesian) statistical formulation. This ge...
154 views   72 votes
Springer Constantin Rothkopf, Christos Dimitrakakis
Expected loss analysis of thresholded authentication protocols in noisy conditions
Expected loss analysis of thresholded authentication protocols in noisy conditions
A number of authentication protocols have been proposed recently, where at least some part of the authentication is performed during a phase, lasting $n$ rounds...
152 views   80 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Serge Vaudenay
Robust Bayesian reinforcement learning through tight lower bounds
Robust Bayesian reinforcement learning through tight lower bounds
In the Bayesian approach to sequential decision making, exact calculation of the (subjective) utility is intractable. This extends to most special cases of inte...
151 views   101 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis
Intrusion Detection Using Cost-Sensitive Classification
Intrusion Detection Using Cost-Sensitive Classification
Intrusion Detection is an invaluable part of computer networks defense. An important consideration is the fact that raising false alarms carries a significantly...
146 views   68 votes
Springer Aikaterini Mitrokotsa, Christos Dimitrakakis, Christos Douligeris
Nearly optimal exploration-exploitation decision thresholds
Nearly optimal exploration-exploitation decision thresholds
While in general trading off exploration and exploitation in reinforcement learning is hard, under some formulations relatively simple solutions exist. Optimal ...
140 views   62 votes
Springer Christos Dimitrakakis
Linear Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
Linear Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
This paper proposes a simple linear Bayesian approach to reinforcement learning. We show that with an appropriate basis, a Bayesian linear Gaussian model is su...
130 views   88 votes
Nikolaos Tziortziotis and Christos Dimitrakakis
Tree Exploration for Bayesian RL Exploration
Tree Exploration for Bayesian RL Exploration
Research in reinforcement learning has produced algorithms for optimal decision making under uncertainty that fall within two main types. The first employs a ...
125 views   53 votes
IEEE Christos Dimitrakakis
Online policy adaptation for ensemble classifiers
Online policy adaptation for ensemble classifiers
Ensemble algorithms can improve the performance of a given learning algorithm through the combination of multiple base classifiers into an ensemble. In this pap...
117 views   60 votes
Christos Dimitrakakis, Samy Bengio
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