

Internet Use, Transparency, and Interactivity Effects on Trust in Government

14 years 8 months ago
Internet Use, Transparency, and Interactivity Effects on Trust in Government
This paper asks how internet use, citizen satisfaction with e-government and citizen trust in government are interrelated. Prior research has found that agencies stress information and service provision on the Web (oneway e-government strategy), but have generally ignore applications that would enhance citizen-government interaction (two-way e-government strategy). Based on a review of the literature, we develop hypotheses about how two facets of e-democracy – transparency and interactivity – may affect citizen trust in government. Using data obtained from the Council on Excellence in Government, we apply a two stage multiple equation model. Findings indicate that internet use is positively associated with transparency satisfaction but negatively associated with interactivity satisfaction, and that both interactivity and transparency are positively associated with citizen trust in government. We conclude that the one-way e-transparency strategy may be insufficient, and that in the...
Eric W. Welch, Charles C. Hinnant
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Eric W. Welch, Charles C. Hinnant
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