

Local Supervised Learning through Space Partitioning

12 years 1 months ago
Local Supervised Learning through Space Partitioning
We develop a novel approach for supervised learning based on adaptively partitioning the feature space into different regions and learning local region-specific classifiers. We formulate an empirical risk minimization problem that incorporates both partitioning and classification in to a single global objective. We show that space partitioning can be equivalently reformulated as a supervised learning problem and consequently any discriminative learning method can be utilized in conjunction with our approach. Nevertheless, we consider locally linear schemes by learning linear partitions and linear region classifiers. Locally linear schemes can not only approximate complex decision boundaries and ensure low training error but also provide tight control on over-fitting and generalization error. We train locally linear classifiers by using LDA, logistic regression and perceptrons, and so our scheme is scalable to large data sizes and high-dimensions. We present experimental results demonst...
Joseph Wang, Venkatesh Saligrama
Added 28 Dec 2012
Updated 28 Dec 2012
Type Conference
Year 2012
Where NIPS
Authors Joseph Wang, Venkatesh Saligrama
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