
13 years 10 months ago
Partitioning Histopathological Images: An Integrated Framework for Supervised Color-Texture Segmentation and Cell Splitting
For quantitative analysis of histopathological images, such as the lymphoma grading systems, quantification of features is usually carried out on single cells before categorizing...
Hui Kong, Metin Gurcan, and Kamel Belkacem-Boussai...

15 years 10 hour ago
General road detection from a single image
Given a single image of an arbitrary road, that may not be well-paved, or have clearly delineated edges, or some a priori known color or texture distribution, is it possible for a ...
Hui Kong, Jean-Yves Audibert, and Jean Ponce

15 years 10 hour ago
Detecting Abandoned Objects with A Moving Camera
This paper presents a novel framework for detecting non-flat abandoned objects by matching a reference and a target video sequences. The reference video is taken by a moving camera...
Hui Kong, Jean-Yves Audibert and Jean Ponce
15 years 3 months ago
A Framework of 2D Fisher Discriminant Analysis: Application to Face Recognition with Small Number of Training Samples
A novel framework called 2D Fisher Discriminant Analysis (2D-FDA) is proposed to deal with the Small Sample Size (SSS) problem in conventional One-Dimensional Linear Discriminan...
Hui Kong, Lei Wang, Eam Khwang Teoh, Jian-Gang Wan...
4141views Computer Vision» more  CVPR 2009»
15 years 10 months ago
Vanishing point detection for road detection
Given a single image of an arbitrary road, that may not be well-paved, or have clearly delineated edges, or some a priori known color or texture distribution, is it possible for...
Hui Kong, Jean Ponce, Jean-Yves Audibert