Stereo algorithms for structure reconstruction demand accurate disparities with low mismatch errors
and false positives. Mismatch errors in large textureless regions force most a...
In this paper we describe a vision system for reconstructing the relative structure of snow and ice
surfaces. This effort is one step toward the long-term goal of rendering absol...
Stereo and 3D reconstruction are used by many applications such as object modeling, facial expression studies and human motion analysis. But synchronizing multiple high frame rate ...
Humans have abstract models for object classes which helps recognize previously unseen instances, despite large intra-class variations. Also objects are grouped into classes based...
Computer vision techniques have been applied for rapid
and accurate structure recovery in many fields. Most methods
perform poorly in areas containing little or no texture
and i...
Rohith MV, Gowri Somanath, Debra Norris, Jennifer ...