

A Dynamic Associative E-Learning Model based on a Spreading Activation Network

14 years 8 months ago
A Dynamic Associative E-Learning Model based on a Spreading Activation Network
Presenting information to an e-learning environment is a challenge, mostly, because ofthe hypertextlhypermedia nature and the richness ofthe context and information provides. This paper proposes a dynamic semantic model for e-learning system based on the psycholinguistic theories of human memory, Spreading Activation Network (SAN). This work employs a SAN as a technique to provide the interface's action selection mechanism in an uncertain environment. The paper combines the SAN with the temporal logic to provide an elearning system that a learning activity level evolves according to their expected contextual relevance. The system differsfrom the other e-learning by representing dynamic associations between learning activities and the relevance subjects. This system equipped with an Event-Triggered learning interface (context) adaptation component. This component provides multiple parallel processes for perception. These processes provide context screen selection and learning task...
Phongchai Nilas, Nilamit Nilas, Somsak Mitatha
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Phongchai Nilas, Nilamit Nilas, Somsak Mitatha
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