

Integrated Routing System for Wireless Mesh Networks

14 years 9 months ago
Integrated Routing System for Wireless Mesh Networks
Recently Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) has become popular especially for its low cost deployment in the areas of poor network infrastructure and terrain of difficult deployment. Although paths in WMN backbone network are stable, the access link contention can severely constrain the end-to-end throughput. We proposed an integrated routing system for WMN that exploits both paths through the backbone network and through the ad-hoc access network of mobile nodes. The ad-hoc path is considered as an alternative path and is used only when the primary backbone path is severely constrained due to access links contention. We have shown through simulation that alternative path is effective in delivering high throughput in that situation. We also proposed a scheme for initiating the route discovery of the ad-hoc path. We investigated the use of OSPF in the backbone network and proposed solutions of dealing with multi-area OSPF configuration in the backbone and auto-configuration of OSPF wireless l...
Muhammad Jaseemuddin, Amir Esmailpour, Ali Alwan,
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Muhammad Jaseemuddin, Amir Esmailpour, Ali Alwan, Osama Bazan
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