Currently there are a wide variety of devices with different screen resolutions, color support, processing power, and network connectivity, capable of receiving streaming video from the Internet. In order to serve different multimedia content to all these devices, middleware proxy servers which transcode content to fit different types of devices are becoming popular. In this paper, we present result of several tests conducted with different combination of video encoding parameters and show their impact on network, CPU and energy resource usage of a transcoding server. For this purpose, we implemented a dynamic video trancoding server, which enables dynamic changes in different trancoding parameters during a video streaming session. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.m [ComputerCommunication Networks]: Miscellaneous General Terms Design, Experimentation, Measurement, Performance. Keywords Dynamic video transcoding, middleware, network bandwidth, processor load, streaming video
Vidyut Samanta, Ricardo V. Oliveira, Advait Dixit,