

Securing Interaction between Threads and the Scheduler

14 years 9 months ago
Securing Interaction between Threads and the Scheduler
The problem of information flow in multithreaded programs remains an important open challenge. Existing approaches to specifying and enforcing information-flow security often suffer from over-restrictiveness, relying on non-standard semantics, lack of compositionality, inability to handle dynamic threads, scheduler dependence, and efficiency overhead for code that results from securityenforcing transformations. This paper suggests a remedy for some of these shortcomings by developing a novel treatment of the interaction between threads and the scheduler. As a result, we present a permissive noninterference-like security specification and a compositional security type system that provably enforces this specification. The type system guarantees security for a wide class of schedulers and provides a flexible and efficiency-friendly treatment of dynamic threads.
Alejandro Russo, Andrei Sabelfeld
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where CSFW
Authors Alejandro Russo, Andrei Sabelfeld
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