

Social Enterprise Architecture: Towards an Extendable and Scaleable System Architecture for KM

14 years 9 months ago
Social Enterprise Architecture: Towards an Extendable and Scaleable System Architecture for KM
Internet should be used to reduce distances and bring people virtually closer. Using ICT, many people has overcome the problem of digital divided [1] thanks to support of information system technologies, (e.g. email, wiky, community, web-log, video streaming). Nowadays the communications between people using ICT hasn’t a structure able to implement a rich and efficient use of information such as datum. Most of the knowledge management systems for complex organizations are based on technological architectures that are in contradiction with the social processes of information like human language. In particular, centralized architectures are adopted for to manage a process that is intrinsically distributed, such “experience”. In this paper, we introduce the concept of SEA, an example of (DKM) Distribute knowledge Management [2] architecture as example of an extendable and scaleable system architecture for knowledge management.
Flavio Corradini, Alberto Polzonetti, Romeo Pruno,
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Flavio Corradini, Alberto Polzonetti, Romeo Pruno, Roberto D'Angelo
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