

String-Matching and Update through Algebraic Signatures in Scalable Distributed Data Structures

14 years 8 months ago
String-Matching and Update through Algebraic Signatures in Scalable Distributed Data Structures
: Scalable Distributed Data Structures (SDDSs) store large scalable files over a distributed RAM of nodes in a grid or a P2P network. The files scale transparently for the applications. The prototype system, designed by CERIA, experiments with this technology for Wintel multicomputers. The application may manipulate data much faster than on local disks. We present the functions we have put into the prototype we now call SDDS-2004. We improve the searches and updates of records in our SDDS files. An original property of these functions is the use of the algebraic signatures. This technique serves the distributed non-key record search. The search may concern the entire field or a (sub)string. The algebraic properties of the signatures act similarly to hash schemes in [KR87]. In particular, sending a few-byte signature of the searched string alone, suffices for the search. This makes the communication between the SDDS client and server more efficient. It is also more confidential, since t...
Riad Mokadem, Witold Litwin
Added 10 Jun 2010
Updated 10 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Riad Mokadem, Witold Litwin
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